DevLog Pavement Pummel Wanli 3.11.2024

Today l finished the multiplayer Menu System in PP, transforming from C++ to Blueprint had been a quite challenging journey. As the newer version of UE deprecates lotta functions and variables.

One being 'Online Prescence' for Steam Online Subsystem, it was extremely confusing as the variable is still kept in the engine, but the actually functionality is implemented using a new variable replacement.

BP multiplayer implementation had been surprisingly smooth and agile. I spent a month on pure C++ implementation, and still failed at spawning client controller into server's map, as it was black screen and loading. The debugging had been time-consuming and definitely not worth it comparing to BP. 

For future indie game projects, l would try move most of code base from C++ to BP, only if somehow the time complexity of a certain loopy function can be significantly lowered using C++.

Overall, very happy with how far l had came in this week. Looking forward to implement locomotion & advanced locomotion system into this project.



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